Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

Budgerigar Parakeets > Maintaining the advantages of Parakeets

Maintaining the advantages of Parakeets
Parakeets likes to live in colonies and are very easy to adjust in the breeding cage.Common in the wild Parakeets. breed in the months from October to December.When the mating season the male often sings in a tone of persuasion to lure females. Up to one another when there is a match then the marriage will soon take place. Weight ranges from 2.5 grams Parakeets eggs / egg number of grains with an average of 6 eggs / pair  Parakeets . Even this bird was known to be loyal to her partner.
When the female is on eggs then the male will wait outside while whistling an entertaining and will expel any intruders near the nest.  Parakeets children coming out of its egg shell weighted average of 2.35 grams with eyes still closed condition. After nine days before her eyes open. After the age of 30 days before the child starts  Parakeets are ready to leave the nest to learn to fly. But though it began to fly, the mother usually is fed until the age of 40 days. After the usual preparation for the age of marriage for a new generation will be done. Children begin to mature sex parakeet to perform marriages after the age of 90 days. The males will soon be old enough to entice females to mate with killer whistles that will breed offspring. 
Easy to maintain
Treatment of bird species is relatively easy. Enclosure that is required is not so great though for breeding though. Size 40 x 40 x 60 cm is enough to start breeding.As for the display of the beauty of the common cage size is adequate. But because it is like to colonize a variety of colors and diversity of this it would not be wrong if we set up a rather large size of the cage. In addition we can place a few pairs. The beauty of the iridescent-colored  Parakeets with each other will be very clear.  
Here are tips on Parakeets care is :
  • Try to choose a different stem colors. Characteristics of male and female  Parakeets  can be easily distinguished after 4 months of age. Males have a characteristic blue color at the top of his nostrils. If the color is dirty white, beige or brown, then certainly it is female.
  • Choose the look is matched with a partner because it will be easier for captive.
  • Adjust the size of the cage with the number of pairs that are not too tight so that the result is not good for the health of birds, including damage in terms of enjoying it.'Private house' which is generally made of cotton-shaped wooden box a requirement for each pair of  Parakeets .
  • Prepare also reserves to the breeding cage when the pair of birds have started production.
  • Maintain the availability of food and drink. Usahan in a clean condition.
  • Remove the food from rotting due to excess feeding mainly vegetables such as bean sprouts, corn or other
  • The main food of this bird is millet are also readily available at food stalls selling birds.  

Well .. for those of you who intend to tame the bird Parakeets-Cockatiels , it helps to consider these tips to tame  Parakeets , the following tips or tricks we can use, if some way had previously been unsuccessful aka  Parakeets are always away when our hands are held out to feed. Maybe the little bird thought our hands this exotic bigger than his size as a threat. Well there is one special trick to anticipate it. 
His ways are as follows:
  • Position the seat us near the cage of  Parakeets .
  • On the first day try to buy a Parakeets cage inserted directly, and there are 2 ways, 1. There are directly taken from the baskets then release. 2. There are inserted the same baskets, but the bond is opened baskets  Parakeets let out alone, if already taken hold in the basket out. 
  • After 1 to 2 days leave without first touched by the hand, do not bother at first but give us to eat and drink and chat.
  • on day 3,  Parakeets by reducing eating, some are said not to be fed from morning until evening. And started handed food by hand (handfeed)
  • for a try with barley renceng on the first and second straight at home to enter to get accustomed rencengnya barley, not with millet or barley that has become a point.
  • make it a habit to give a signal before feeding such as snapping your fingers, pat smooth cage, ring the bell, or use a clicker as a sign that there is the sound of every bell he will get to eat.Train continues until he recognized the signs.
  • While calling his name (required) taped to put our finger food to start fishing. If that does not respond even go away on the following trick.
  • Take a stick with a long rod approximately 20 cm.
  • Wet the tip of a stick with a small amount of water that serves to attach the millet or barley seeds at the ends. 
  • Extend the attached end of the stick, the millet seeds slowly so do not be surprised or  Parakeets panic in action.
  • If the  Parakeets would take a positive sign that the food is forwarded over and over again and do not forget to call her name.
  • Now we try to reduce the hand grip on the stick, so that the distance of our hands by the end of a stick is getting closer. do until we are on hand near the feed end of the stick. Well if  Parakeets are no longer afraid of the stick, then remove and replace with the fingers moistened with water to put a millet seed.
  • If the Parakeets was willing to take the food directly, then try our hand enter the cage and give feedback as close up. And so on until he's really comfortable.
  • The next action is handed our index finger to the stamping feet of  Parakeets , if he did it begin to show signs of benign means. 

Well above is the one trick tame  Parakeets or other birds. Of course there are other tricks of the experienced birds. oke good luck.. :)

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